Global Peace Ambassadors Statement on the Russia-Ukraine War 

MARCH 11, 2022   

Since 1995, the Global Peace Ambassadors (GPA), formerly World Vision Youth Ambassadors (WVYA), have endeavored to seek life's common ground. As a community of 250 global citizens from 60 countries, we know that we have much more in common than we are different. 

We stand against the Russian government's aggression and invasion of Ukraine as a sovereign state and urge all leaders toward a peaceful resolution to the conflict.  We are moving forward in practical ways to bring relief to those caught in this current conflict. Within our group, we are engaging in humanitarian efforts in our own spheres and collectively. 

As a group, we hope the outpouring of love and support that we are seeing for Ukraine will be the start of a broader shift worldwide where we show care for all people who are suffering.